Released on November 8, 2024, Surging Sparks is the eighth set in the Scarlet & Violet series, continuing the introduction of Stellar Terastal Pokémon ex, a concept first presented in the Stellar Crown expansion. This set features over 250 new cards, including twenty-three Illustration Rare Pokémon, eleven Special Illustration Rare Pokémon and Supporter cards, and six Hyper Rare gold-etched cards. A notable highlight is the special illustration rare Pikachu ex card, which boasts an impressive 200HP and the unique ability 'Resolute Heart,' allowing it to survive with 10HP instead of being knocked out.
Thematically, Surging Sparks centers around the Terarium, the primary setting of The Indigo Disk, enriching the narrative and strategic depth of the game. The expansion is available in various formats, including booster packs, Elite Trainer Boxes, and collection boxes, making it a versatile choice for collectors and players seeking to enhance their decks with the latest cards.