Scheduled for release on January 17, 2025, the Prismatic Evolutions set spotlights the beloved Eevee and its eight evolutions, each showcased as Astral Terastal Pokémon ex. This expansion introduces a vibrant array of cards, including six Tactical Ace Trainer cards, ten Pokémon ex, and fifteen Terastal Pokémon ex. Collectors and players can also look forward to twelve Ultra Rare Supporter cards, thirty-two Special Illustration Rare Pokémon ex and Supporter cards, and five Hyper Rare gold-etched Pokémon ex cards.
The set is available in various products, such as Elite Trainer Boxes, collection albums, and special collections with posters, catering to both collectors and competitive players. With its focus on Eevee and its evolutions, Prismatic Evolutions is poised to be a standout addition to the Scarlet & Violet series, offering new strategies and a fresh aesthetic to the Pokémon TCG.