Launched on March 22, 2024, Temporal Forces is the fifth expansion in the Scarlet & Violet series, continuing the exploration of Ancient and Future Pokémon themes. This set marks the return of ACE SPEC cards, originally introduced in the Black & White: Boundaries Crossed set in 2012, offering powerful, unique cards that can significantly impact gameplay. As the first set with the H regulation mark, Temporal Forces includes a variety of new Pokémon ex, Trainer cards, and special illustration rares, providing a fresh and dynamic experience for players and collectors alike.
Available in booster packs, Elite Trainer Boxes, and special collections, Temporal Forces caters to a wide audience, from competitive players seeking to enhance their decks with powerful ACE SPEC cards to collectors aiming to complete their Scarlet & Violet series. The expansion's focus on time-themed Pokémon adds a unique narrative layer to the Pokémon TCG universe.